(Educational) institutions dealing with societal diversity

This series of studies and publications are the result of my collaborations with several political scientists, educationalists, and linguists. They explored how institutions of government and education deal with societal diversity, e.g. regarding language, culture, or gender.
Knabenlernzeiten – Mädchenlernzeiten: gleich, gleicher, ungleich?
The article is in German.
Lange definierten Curricula die Lernzeiten von Mädchen und Knaben unter- schiedlich. Erklärt wurde dies …
Das Programm zur Nationalen Erziehung (1914–1924) oder wie ein forcierter Kulturtransfer politisch scheitert
The article is in German.
Wir analysieren in diesem Beitrag die Nationale Erziehung als (gescheiterten) Fall eines innerstaatlichen, …
Introduzione: Come funziona il federalismo elvetico?
In Italian.
The chapter introduces an edited volume by Sean Mueller and myself on Swiss federalism, its structures, actors, and …
Una centralizzazione passata dalla porta di servizio? Il federalismo scolastico: origini, evoluzione e sfide contemporanee
In Italian.
The chapter discusses the evolution, and gradual centralisation, of Swiss federalism in the field of education policy.
Die Zusammensetzung des schweizerischen Bundesrates nach Partei, Sprache, Religion und Region 1848-2015
The article is in German. It documents and analyses our database of the linguistic, religious, partisan, gender, age, and educational …